How (and Why!) to Start a Podcast as a Creator

I know there’s something that you love so much that you could talk about it for HOURS. For me, that’s creating a creator business. I had so many ideas and thoughts, and after finally pushing aside all of the thoughts of doubt, I decided to just take the plunge and start a podcast where I could talk all about creator monetization.

If you think the podcast market is too saturated or you don’t have enough to say, let me be the one to tell you that neither of those things is true. You have so much value and expertise to offer your audience and can absolutely create a successful podcast.

Having a podcast gives you an outlet to engage with your audience on a deeper level and establish yourself as an expert in your niche.

I’m giving you the scoop on exactly how you can build your podcast from the ground up - covering everything from your technical setup to growing and monetizing.

Try now HERE

Listen to Episode 142 — Apple | Spotify | YouTube

💡 New feature on TikTok called Spotlight will help promote films and TV shows

  • It identifies applicable TikToks and attributes an anchor link to take users where they can learn more about the project.

  • They are hoping it will encourage creation and participation around launches and events.

🎞️ You can now post up to 20 frames on Instagram Carousels

  • This is in addition to having images that are different-sized and aligned to carousels.

👀 The new focus on Instagram is reach, not followers and likes

  • They are reforming their analytics to make “Views” the main focus.

  • Reels Plays are being relabeled to “Views”

  • “Views” will be the main metric for photos, carousels, and stories

  • Repeat views of content will be counted, like how plays and replays are counted for Reels.


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